Our mission is to assist client’s garden landscape dream, from a barren space become a realistic green garden landscape which fulfill very own personality lifestyle. We do provide garden landscape services like repairing, redesigning or remodeling for an existing garden. Exceeding expectations, your new garden may even soothe your senses that could relieve you of your everyday work stress.
NO GUESSING, NO WONDERING, NO ASSUMING, NO HEADACHE!! With our garden landscape VISUAL and LAYOUT PLAN, you are able to pre-plan your garden landscape concepts and designs, to use and mix & match the type of ideal plants, as well as the position of plants or hardscape like water feature, gazebo, etc. perfectly.
We do provide visual and layout plan services for graden nurseries, landscaper and landscape contractor.
Just let us create a garden landscape design in front of your eyes with real-time photo visualizations to ensure a better first hand garden lifestyle experience. However, the garden landscape layout plan containing the whole design concept and layout of your garden as well as an approved document agreed on by customer and contract or to avoid any hassles or argument. Some may suspect the visual always look beautiful but in reality you can feel more lively, good and awesome environment comparing with visuals.
HURRY!! Call us now for more details on how to benefit the RM0 on garden landscape visual and layout plan!
Soft garden landscape could be referred as the use of vegetative materials (plants/trees) to refine garden landscape by design. Several examples of soft garden landscaping are as below:
• Laying of turf / lawn / artificial grass
• Planting of trees / flowers /shrubs / bushes / hedges
• Attractive pebble stones / border rocks / cement pots / fiber pots / stone-paved pathway / ornamental
• Installation of green walls
• Installation of auto irrigation system
Hard garden landscape refers to the heavier construction features in gardens that are to be built and installed such as to constructing a water feature / fish pond / subsoil pipe / wood decking / pergola / gazebo / wooden fence / retaining wall / features wall / cement planter box / car porch and etc.
Please feel free to contact us and we will be glad to explain more in details regarding types of plants or flowers, as well as the design of water feature that can be provided and many more.
Water Feature
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